If your dog suffers from joint pain, you’re not alone.
More than 54% of dogs are affected by arthritis and other forms of joint issues. As their owner, you want to do everything you can to help them feel better and live more comfortably, so it’s helpful to have as much information as possible when choosing the right joint supplements for your dog.
The good news is that there are some fantastic options out there that can help in this area!
1) What are dog joint supplements?
These ingredients help slow down the degenerative effects of aging and improve overall mobility. To determine if your dog might benefit from these supplements, you should assess his level of pain or discomfort before and after exercise.
If he seems to be limping, experiencing stiffness in his joints, has trouble getting up or moving around in general, it's time to talk about dietary changes.
The following six supplements have been shown to reduce inflammation and relieve pain among dogs who suffer from such symptoms:
2) Glyco-Flex;
3) Osteo Bi-Flex (either as an oral supplement or an injection);
4) Adequan;
5) Synovi G4 Plus;
6) Omega Plus (either as an oral supplement or an injection).
2) Types of Dog Joint Supplement
There are six basic types of supplements: glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate; over-the-counter pain medications; fatty acids such as omega 3 fatty acids and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA); sulfate-sodium combinations that reduce inflammation caused by arthritis; other natural supplements such as quercetin and boswellia extract. Omega 3 fatty acids are the best choice for healthy joints.
Make sure you purchase a product from a reputable company and one without dioxins or PCB's. DHA is the most important omega-3 because it decreases the formation of arthritic lesions in dogs.
The company I recommend is Taste of The Wild because they have taken care to make sure their ingredients do not contain dioxins or PCB's which are often found in fish oils. One serving has 1260 mg EPA/DHA which will help your dog stay more comfortable on his old bones!
3) What Is Chondroitin?
When joints move, they produce cartilage that breaks down into nutrients. Chondroitin is the raw material used by the body to create this cartilage. One way of improving joint health is by supplementing with chondroitin in supplement form.
The evidence that it helps is less clear than some other supplements on this list, but there are studies suggesting its efficacy. Studies also suggest it may be more effective when combined with glucosamine and Omega 3s (both on this list).
It can also help prevent pain caused by exercise or weight bearing as well as reducing inflammation which slows down healing time and prolongs pain relief. Some people say that using chondroitin has helped their pets avoid surgery too!
4) Glucosamine Hydrochloride – Good or Bad?
Glucosamine hydrochloride is derived from crab shells and oyster shells and is known as the most popular supplement in human joint health. Does it work the same way for dogs? Here are five reasons why veterinarians should prescribe glucosamine hydrochloride more often.
First, glucosamine hydrochloride is safe. Second, there are few side effects associated with the drug, so patients can take it without fear of complications. Third, this drug can be given at any age without risking toxicity to the liver or other organs.
Fourth, if your pet has severe arthritis that impedes their ability to move around normally or walk on surfaces like hardwood floors (which have less give than carpet), then glucosamine hydrochloride may help them regain their mobility and enjoy life again.
5) How Do I Choose a Dog Glucosamine Supplement?
When evaluating which supplement is the best joint supplement for dogs, veterinarians recommend choosing one that contains glucosamine and chondroitin. Both of these substances are believed to help provide joints with the necessary building blocks for joint health. Some people also believe Omega-3 fatty acids have a positive effect on healthy joints.
Fish oil supplements or tablets can be taken as an alternative if your dog doesn't like the taste of a chewable joint supplement. Other ingredients in supplements may include: green tea extract, antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin E, turmeric extract and black pepper extract.
Remember that dog's need different dosages than humans so be sure to consult your veterinarian before beginning any new regimen with your pet's diet.
6) How Much Should I Give My Pet?
For small dogs, give 1-2 tablets per day. For medium and large dogs give 3-2 tablets per day. Don't feed tablets or capsules to your pet whole; crush or grind them in your hands first. And never let your dog chew on the tablets; they may break off sharp edges that can injure their mouth and intestines.
It's important to understand what you're giving your dog. Certain joint supplements are not appropriate for all breeds of animals, so read the label carefully before purchasing it and make sure it is safe for dogs.
If you're not sure about how much of the supplement to give your pet based on his weight or how often he should take it, consult with your vet before giving him any supplements at all.
7) MSM For Dogs